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The New Livestock Wealth Platform is Here!

The last couple of months have been very exciting and busy. There is never a dull moment in farming. 

Our main highlight has been the launch of the new Livestock Wealth platform that supports the website App and the mobile Apps on both Android and Apple. 

Some of the new features that we have added are:

  • A simple interface that is seamless and secure with an added One Time Pin (OTP) feature.
  • A dashboard with additional finance features to efficiently manage your transactions.
  • A portfolio feature that shows all your assets under management.

Even though we have launched the App, we shall continue adding additional functionality to improve your user experience.

We would like to extend our gratitude to those who have given us their feedback. Should you wish to add your input, please send us an email at invest@livestockwealth.com

July Farmers Event

We hosted a farmers day event at Gerbas Voerklare, our partner farmer for the free range cow, in Heidelberg, Johannesburg, South Africa.

We had a wonderful turnout with investors young and old spending the morning with their cattle. Here are a few highlights of the event:


Win a Cow Competition Winner

We concluded the win-a-cow competition and our lucky winner was Pierre Lombard who walked away with the cow as a six-month investment!

Webinar Recording

August was women’s month and we hosted a “Women, Agri, Money” Webinar with two inspiring young agri-preneurs Welile Gumede and Mbali Nwoko where they discussed the financing of tunnel farming.

You can see the recording of the webinar below:


Yours in wealth,


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